
As part of its mission, the MPTT is committed to offering financial aid and assistance in the form of scholarships to local post-secondary students engaged in the dedicated study of Theatre, Dance, and Music Performance.


In order to be eligible to apply for a scholarship from the MPTT, students must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Be a current resident of the Monterey Peninsula (i.e. – the applicants permanent address must be within the Monterey Peninsula even if the applicant is currently studying out of state or abroad). Provide proof of residency.
  • Be currently enrolled in a course of study of major in Theatre, Dance or any form of Music Performance (Instrumental or vocal) in a certificated and/or licensed post-secondary institution of higher learning (i.e. – Community or four-year college; Private Conservatory or Academy).
  • Provide current transcripts (PDF copies of un-official transcripts acceptable) of current course of studies indicating a GPA of 2.5 or above in coursework for the indicated major.
  • Provide a statement of financial need and intended use of potential scholarship funds.
  • Provide a letter of recommendation from a current instructor/administrator.

PLEASE NOTE: Scholarship check will be provided directly to the applicant’s institution/academy. Applicants, if successful, may not apply for a scholarship in subsequent years (i.e. – one scholarship per student lifetime). Unsuccessful applicants may apply each year.

LIMIT: Maximum scholarship amount is $1000.

This completed form and all required application materials and documents must be received by the Monterey Peninsula Theatre Trust no later than June 30th, 2023.

Do You Qualify? Submit an Application